Sunday, December 27, 2009


The Vietnam War was, and probably still IS, the most un-popular conflict the United States has ever engaged in. This un-popularity is like a CURSE that is STILL being cast, and haunts most of the servicemen that served during that era.

Falsely accused of being "Women and Baby-Killers" as well as being referred to as POTHEADS, these service personnel are DENIED most of the HONORS and ACCOLADES due to a war VETERAN. Rather, some of them are treated as "bums" or "scums", unfit to blend in with an INGRATE society. However, there are so many TRUE STORIES of TRIUMPHS, SACRIFICES and TRAGEDIES that NEED to be TOLD, with hopes that someday, in SOMEWAY, will help alter the negative opinion that still prevails at this present time.

A Veteran will NEVER accept the notion of "losing a war". This is the same with us, The Vietnam Veterans. Regardless WHAT the media and the public say about the Vietnam War, we, the VETERANS, will ALWAYS say otherwise.

The FACT that WE were the ones who did all the fighting and killing of the enemy, aren't WE the ones who can RIGHTFULLY SAY "Who WON?" and "Who LOST?" in that war?

Most of the references used in defining this war were events that happened during the gradual "pull-out" of the U.S. Forces up to the Fall of Saigon (April 30, 1969). So few were the events that took place during the '68 and '69 Tet Offensives, wherein the outcome of the war could have been reversed, or otherwise.

NOTHING was REMEMBERED nor considered that during this time, we, the U.S. Forces had the North Vietnamese Army and the Vietcong ON THE RUN.

NOTHING was said about how the enemy was "...running like DOGS with their tails BETWEEN their legs...".

NOTHING was said about how we, the U.S. Forces, were on the OFFENSIVE, and were SWEEPING the enemies out of the battlefield...

NOTHING was said that this offensive was "...headed TOWARDS Hanoi, to put an end to Ho Chi Minh's 'dream'..."

We, the U.S. Forces, had VICTORY IN OUR SIGHT!!! I can say this because GODDAMNIT, I WAS THERE.

However, for WHATEVER reason, this offensive was STOPPED in it's tracks. Swayed by "public opinion", the Commander-In-Chief had no other CHOICE but to give the order to STOP. And as always, a good soldier simply FOLLOWS THE ORDER GIVEN to it's last word, without hesitation or qualms.

BUT...whether it be VICTORY or DEFEAT, the soldier will bear the OUTCOME like a CURSE that will HAUNT him/her for the REST OF HIS LIFE. And THIS is the life of a Vietnam Veteran.

The Vietnam War was a LESSON LEARNED. Even the most powerful country of all has no chance of victory WITHOUT THE FULL SUPPORT of her CITIZENRY. However, this lesson seems to fade and slip out of memory somehow. If this trend continues, it is inevitable that the Vietnam debacle is AGAIN in the offing...

In closing, writing the "Unsung Heroes of Vietnam" was truly a CHALLENGE for me. After more or less 40 years, recollecting all the EVENTS that I've participated in, and everything that happened during my tour of Vietnam was excruciating, and at times, frustating. However, to think that all of our triumphs, sacrifices and the lives that were lost will be for naught, kept me going.

For whatever it's worth, I hope that this story will somehow create a POSITIVE attitude and ERASE some of the negative opinions bestowed upon us, the Vietnam Veterans.

Lastly, I am dedicating this story to the special breed of sailors that were once called "THE RIVER RATS".

With this, I am now ending this story...

Boat Commander PBR-142
River Section 532
South Vietnam '67-'69

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